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Acrylics are my choice of medium. Multi- tasking and working other jobs force me to work fast with my painting processes. Though when I’m not at my easel working on a painting, I’m thinking about it and resolving one in my head. Because I do not like to fight the white of the canvas, I always start with a mostly warm underpainting. I try to establish the composition and values at this stage. My brush strokes are loose to allow the painting to breathe and exhibit movement. I describe my paintings to be expressionistic. Brushes are my choice of weapon, but I am not limiting myself to them. Experimentation on markings with different applications gives fuel to my paintings, which helps them develop into something beyond my intentions.
My inspiration is mood, movement and Light. My subjects are anything or anyone that have a story to tell through movement. The human form facilitates the subject matter in my paintings as well as the environment. The figure and place create an atmosphere that describes a mood and narrative. Light is also manipulated to control where the eye of the viewer should go and how they should feel. Music is a great part of my creation, because it too feeds into the painting process. A successful painting to me is where you can feel the motion and emotion. I currently tell my story through dance, but I’m am exploring other avenues of motion.
I believe that I was born an artist. Whether I am a good one remains to be seen. Creativity and being creative is woven into my everyday life. I try to focus it all into my painting and sculpting projects. I try to live my life by making a difference and elevating people to a better place. I hope that my artwork does the same.
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